Tūranga - Christchurch Central Library
Tūranga, the Christchurch Central Library, was designed as a unique bicultural space, where the history and narratives of mana whenua are woven into themes of ongoing development and the search for knowledge.
The name Tūranga was gifted by Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga, and the whare pukapuka invites visitors to experience a connected, community-focused ‘storehouse of knowledge’.
Kaitiaki Studios was proud to be involved in designing multiple artworks throughout Tūranga; we have a deep connection to the value Tūranga places on storytelling and creative exploration. The artworks share traditional narratives through contemporary design and add a rich and dynamic layer to the library experience.
The artworks throughout the space were developed in collaboration with Matapopore Charitable Trust and integrate Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāi Tahu mana whenua traditions.
Read more about the artwork at Tūranga here.
Viewed from above, the design shows Polynesian ancestor Paikea riding on the back of a whale (or taniwha), with whānau from Hawaiki bidding him farewell. Paikea is clinging onto the whale, surrounded by swirls of turbulent water and jagged shapes that symbolise the challenges that people encounter on their voyages.
This artwork acknowledges the migration and voyaging of previous generations while inviting visitors to reflect on their own journey and story. It captures the significance of Ngāi Tahu whakapapa and represents universal themes of discovery, growth, and overcoming obstacles to reach a final destination.
Riki Manuel described the artwork in the context of Tūranga’s purpose: “The building is a place where we all go to find knowledge, and that’s what this should reflect - it’s one story of many.”
The project had complex architectural requirements, and installation was completed by Art Fetiche and Project Management Architectus. The completed design was divided into numbered squares before being printed onto vinyl panels. The vinyl squares were then applied to 178 individual bluestone panels and sandblasted by hand, capturing a high level of detail on every tile.
It was a privilege to be involved in the creation of this artwork, and to be part of a project that will be experienced by our children and grandchildren.