We were approached to complete artwork for Ben & Jerry’s new store in Riverside Market. The brief was to introduce an international brand to the central city, whilst recognising the importance of place and respect for the local narratives. Although our comms and design process was managed online, this was an opportunity for me to reconnect with paint and get messy!
I chose to focus on a local taonga species relative to the store location alongside the Ōtakaro river. The Korimako favours harakeke as it’s sweet treat. The surrounding designs are relevant to the community and other parts of this traditional Mahinga kai (food gathering place).
The Kōrari flowers of our Harakeke (Flax) are favoured by our Korimako (bell bird) as one the sweetest treats of our Takiwā (region). Connections to the Ōtakaro (Avon river), Manaakitanga (hospitality) for our guests and Ngā Tangata (the people) tie this artwork to the ethos of Ben and Jerry's and celebrates this unique gathering space.